19 March 2013

Red Nose Day 2013

So last Friday was Red Nose Day 2013, the very reason I went on a mammoth 25 dates in 25 hours. And if you were still awake and watching, you might have seen this...

In total I managed to raise £1792.62 for Red Nose Day, which I'm absolutely delighted by, so thank you to everyone who supported both little tired me and this awesome charity. You can, of course, still donate to Red Nose Day if you so wish here and there's a whole bunch of Red Nose Day stuff for you to download and wotnot on iTunes. So there! 


  1. Did Mr Brand smell as good as I imagine.....?? :) Well done again chick, bloomin' brilliant xx

  2. Good luck with your challenge, hoping it works well. Ok Russell Brand comments were pretty good and I quite liked a few of his one-liners, especially “that’s how I’ve been justifying it.” That is a classic line, you have to love British comedy. Hopefully something positive has already come out of your idea.
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